The days I did not die
(2007) ·



The Days I Did Not Die (detail), 2007, inkjet print on paper, 68″×12″


The Days I Did Not Die, 2007, inkjet print on paper, 68″×12″

This inkjet print, whose physical scale matches that of the artist himself, consists of a regular grid of gray discs, one disc for each day of the artist’s life, arranged in vertical columns of 365 discs for each year (366 on leap years). At birth, the days are bold and solid, full of youthful confidence. As time progresses downwards and to the right, the black fades imperceptibly day by day, reflecting the gradually fading probability that the artist — and the viewer — will in fact live to see another day.

Somewhere around the 51st column — after 18,000-plus days — the grays have almost faded to invisibility. Who can say what lies ahead?